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Therapeutic Exercise 
Sports Conditioning


Targeted Therapeutic Exercise

If your pet has recently had surgery or an injury or maybe suffers from a chronic condition like arthritis, they likely have areas of weakness. Targeted therapeutic exercise has been shown to

  • Assist with pain relief

  • Improve Recovery Time

  • Improve Body Mechanics,  Flexibility, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Endurance

  • Slow down the progression of Osteoarthritis.


Pets that get regular exercise are more likely to be lean body condition which has been shown to extend their life by two years! 


We can also instruct owners how to perform exercises at home to bolster what we do in the gym. 


Sports Conditioning 

If your dog participates in sports such as Agility, FastCAT, Lure Coursing, Field Trials, Flyball and more, they are at a higher risk of repetitive use injury.  


Our team can assist you with: 

  • Athlete Readiness Assessment

  • Warm-up and Cool-Down Routines

  • Injury Recovery 

  • Return to Sport Rehabilitation

  • Conditioning to optimize performance


We also help working dogs to improve performance and lengthen their career in service. 

  • Search and Rescue Dogs

  • Military Dogs

  • Police Dogs

  • Farm Dogs

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