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Pet Owners

Welcome to Momentum VSMR. We are here to assist you as you navigate your pet's health journey. We understand that it can be overwhelming when your pet is sick or injured, but rest assured that our experienced team is here to support you.


To make an appointment: 

Please call or email us to discuss how we can help your pet. We will need to collect patient information from you and your pet's veterinarian before our visit so that we can thoroughly evaluate and discuss your pet's needs. 



New Patient Form:

Please fill out this FORM so that we can prepare for your pet's visit. Please fill this form out as completely as possible. Make sure to include pet medications, dose, and frequency given. 

Contact your Veterinarian to request records: 

Contact your primary veterinarian and any specialist or surgeon that your pet has seen in the last 2 years and have them send your pet’s medical record (be sure to include doctor's notes, lab work, specialized testing, or radiographs)  to our email   

*Please make sure that vaccination records are included. We require all patients to be up to date on Rabies vaccination unless you have a documented veterinary exemption*

Once we have received all patient information, we will make your pet's appointment!
Preparing for your pet's appointment: 

If your pet requires labwork, x-rays, or any treatment requiring sedative, please do not feed your pet after 9 pm the evening before the appointment. They are allowed to have water.  

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