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Assistive Device Fitting



Wheelchairs help pets with mobility issues regain independence and lead a more active and comfortable life.


They can be customized to fit the specific needs and size of the pet and provide support to their back legs or all four legs, depending on their condition.


With the help of wheelchairs, pets with spinal cord injuries, arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other mobility issues can enjoy walking, running, and playing again.


Custom Orthotics

Orthotic devices for veterinary patients offer a pathway to a brighter future by preventing cast-related wounds, managing functional impairments, and promoting a return to an active lifestyle.


Our team can cast your dog's limb and work closely with a veterinary orthotist to create a device that will help your pet. 


We commonly create devices for Achilles (calcaneal) tendon injuries, carpal injuries, and knee injuries. 

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